Brother Eagle, Sister Sky Author/Illustrator: Susan Jeffers Genre: Multicultural book Grade: 2nd grade and up This book is a message from Chief Seattle. It starts with the story of Native American living and their way of life till the Europeans took over their land and wanted to sign off the new Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Chief Seattle started a speech talking to the European people about how can someone own the sky and the wind for it can not be bought. He states that we are part of the earth and that it is part of us. He explains how his ancestors said that us humans should give back to nature for it provides for us. The earth is our mother and the animals are our brothers. He says that the European settles brings misery to them and to the land and nature. He states in the end that what we do to the web we do to ourselves. We need to preserve the land and the air for it is for our children and to the next generation. This is an amazing book. I will def...