Genre: Fantasy and Science Fiction
Award: The Caldecott Medal
Grade: 1st grade and up
It is a story about a brother and a sister playing inside and outside the house when their parents are gone. As they play outside, they found a thin box that consists of the game Jumanji. They read the rules first for the game warns them to follow and read the instructions before playing the game. They did not take it seriously until things come alive in their house. Monkeys, snakes, Rhinos appeared one after the other when they played the game. They got scared when they started feeling the consequences they are going through but they have to get to Jumanji for the game to end as stated in the rules. Once the game ended their parents got back and now the parent's friends two children wanted to play it. The bad thing about it is that they are going to play it outside and they are the type who does not finish the game and does not read instructions.
This story is really good because it teaches morals for children to follow and read the rules. I would recommend this to any grade level especially 1st grade and up because it is easily readable and fun to read. It leaves suspense to the readers on whether the characters are going to finish the game or not due to the actions that happened in the game. The drawing is really nice for it is black and white and are charcoal drawings. This leaves the reader the lesson that there are consequences based on their actions.
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